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Heal your relationship with food

Here's what's included if you sign up today: 

Weekly 1-1 coaching call

I'll guide you to create your own binge free blueprint. You'll learn about various tools and strategies personalised to you, and we'll discuss your experiences each week. 

Written check ins between sessions whenever you need

You will be able to send an email directly to my inbox at any time. I'll reply within 24 hours so you've got support whenever you need it. 

Session review notes

After each session you'll receive a set of notes via email and a short list of your key action points, to easily review whenever you need. 

VIP access to discounted ongoing coaching 

On completing your initial 8 weeks, you’ll move to the ongoing coaching plan at heavily reduced monthly price. 

Ongoing Cooki clients also get access to...

After the initial 8 week course, the sessions below will be included in your membership. Each week is tailored personally to you, so the order of what we cover will depend on your unique situation: â€‹


The Post Binge Eating Strategy 

Once you've overcome binge eating, you will be able to make confident, aligned decisions. 

You will likely have fitness and health goals as a result of your initial 8 week program. The Post-Strategy program supports you in achieving these goals without reverting to restrictive, binge behaviours.

Learn to be present:

Essential Techniques 

Mindfulness and meditation can be a minefield. You might have heard that it's helpful, but have no idea how to actually do it. You might even have tried apps but not understood the hype. These session introduce you to meditation techniques that actually change how you think and feel. 

Lifestyle and nutrition:

The review

Learn about how your lifestyle is impacting the way you feel. 

Once you've overcome binge eating you're able to get a much more insightful understanding of what is and isn't helpful in life.

This session gives you actionable steps to improve your day-to-day. 

All clients who stay a member of Cooki coaching for 6 months or more automatically get lifetime access to a free check-in call every 6 months, regardless of whether you still have your monthly membership.

So if you're ready...

If you want to get started asap sign up here for priority onboarding: 

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