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My Story

Hi, Emma here 👋

I’m from Yorkshire, I love food, I quite like running, wish I did more yoga and I want to help you heal your relationship with food. 


I love to travel, I love CrossFit, I love music, had a brief stint as a DJ and I'm happiest in the sun or in the mountains. I love hiking, skiing, and a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream on a Tuesday.  


My Journey 


Binge Eating started for me after years of restrictive dieting. 


I felt numb, powerless to change. Binge Eating became a comfort; something I turned to when I was in physical, mental or emotional pain. 


Food thoughts were with me every second of the day. 


Even on days that I felt I'd eaten enough, or my calorie tracking app said I'd eaten plenty, I'd still fall into Binge mode. 


Working in an office made my binges worse as I could restrict myself more aggressively during the day. The transition to working from home made things even harder as food was always available, so the time between my binge eating episodes decreased. 


It frustrated me that others were so relaxed around meal times. Birthday treats. Ordering take away. Eating out. 


I was jealous of anyone who stopped eating because they felt full, as I thought that was something I'd never be capable of doing.


I felt addicted to Binge Eating, and I couldn't explain why I couldn’t change my behaviour. 


So…what changed? 


I reached out for help. 


My coach helped me to understand and reconstruct my approach to health and fitness, and I learnt a bunch of tools that allowed me to act in alignment with my values and goals.. 


I became a L3 Personal Trainer, CrossFit Level 1 and 200h Yoga Teacher. Yoga introduced me to meditation, self awareness and introspection.  


These modalities all have a focus that is not aesthetic. 


It was the combination of these three life learnings that meant I won against Binge Eating: 

  1. How to create aligned action, instead of self sabotaging  

  2. How to exercise my body, motivated by function, enjoyment and peace

  3. How to calm my brain, in any situation. 


It allowed me to find joy in such small things: having peanut butter in the house, and not dreading that I was only ever hours away from eating it all.  Ordering what I fancied from the menu, not the 'healthiest' option. And most significantly, walking into a room feeling confident and comfortable being me.


The Cooki Program


During my recovery, I came to realise two worrying realities:

  1. Doctors have certain parameters to meet before you are deemed 'ill enough' to receive help.

  2. Personal Trainers don't have any mandatory training on how to help people who have a troubled relationship with food. 


This is why I created the Cooki program.


To guide you, step by step, through the same process that set me free from a life controlled by Binge Eating. 


We bring clarity to what life looks like without Binge Eating, and experiment with action. 


It's not a quick fix. It's an irreversible solution. 


Apply to join the next intake by popping your name and email in the form linked below and I'll be in touch with next steps.


I can't wait to see you there.

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