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Emma here. 

Hello and welcome. I'm Emma Cook, a coach and entrepreneur from Yorkshire, UK.

My obsession?

Guiding people to heal their relationship with food to realise their true potential in life. 


Many high achieving and ambitious individuals experience a constant struggle between their professional performance and their mental & physical health. The internal and external pressure upon them can often create a misalignment between the desire to care for their health and wellbeing, and the actions they actually exhibit. 


Combined with conflicting information from the diet and fitness industry, there's no wonder most people feel overwhelmed and helpless when attempts to change habits repeatedly fail.


Social pressure, food thoughts and body image struggles hold so many back from enjoying a joyful, present and balanced life. We all deserve to feel confident and free in our bodies, and our relationship with food should not hold us back from this. 

I’ve been there, and I specialise in helping you to design a lifestyle that will work best for you.

Each individual is unique and we must first understand your specific, deep goals. Then we can figure out the best way to get you there (and most importantly, stay there)


Here is where I fit in:

My role as a coach is to help you get from A to B.

To get you from today, to the outcomes that you need to experience for you to have a fulfilling life (starting with your health).


My knowledge and skill as a coach is the catalyst that will help make this process efficient and enjoyable. I’m a certified Personal Trainer, Yoga Teacher and I'm currently studying my Level 5 Diploma in Health and Nutrition Coaching. 


My coaching programs pull from several schools of thought and practice including life coaching, physical wellbeing habit design, emotional processing, and meditation & mindfulness. I am committed to ongoing development and study, to best serve my clients and community.  


I would like to invite you to schedule a call where together we will explore if we would be a good fit or not.

How does it work?

Learn about the content, structure and support options available with each Cooki membership.

“Emma has been a warm ray of sunshine for me. She has guided me through my demons with a helping hand and a warm smile. She has really shifted my perspective and made me view situations through a different lens. I had never really spoken to anyone about this before but she understood and could relate to how I felt and the cycle that I needed to get out of. Her approach felt like I could tackle the difficult situations and I had the strength to do so. This has been a massive turning point for me and I couldn't thank her enough"

E.F (uk)

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